Anlässlich des achten Geburtstags des Raspberry Pi veröffentlichte der Erfinder des Bastelcomputers, Eben Upton, einen Blogpost im offiziellen Raspberry Pi Blog. Er blickt darin unter anderem auf die Vergangenheit zurück und berichtet von der damaligen Vision, einen Linux-Desktop-PC mit GPIO-Pins zu entwickeln und für nur 35 US-Dollar anbieten zu können. Laut des Blogeintrags konnten bis zum heutigen Tage bereits über 30 Millionen Raspberry Pi verkauft werden.
Upton kündigte außerdem eine Preissenkung an. Der Raspberry Pi 4 wird künftig in der 2 GB Variante 10 US-Dollar weniger kosten. Der Preis wird also von 45 US-Dollar auf 35 US-Dollar gesenkt und ist dementsprechend identisch mit dem Preis für die 1 GB Version. Da die Preise der 1 GB und 4 GB Modelle unverändert bleiben, wird die 4 GB Version weiterhin für 55 US-Dollar angeboten.
Die Preissenkung sei durch gesunkene Kosten für RAM-Bausteine möglich gewesen. Man gehe davon aus, dass Bastler sich überwiegend für das 2 GB Modell entscheiden werden, da diese für den Desktop-Einsatz besser geeignet wären, als jene mit 1 GB RAM. Letzteres werde aber aufgrund des Long-Term-Supports für die Industrie weiterhin produziert und vertrieben werden.
Einige Nutzer sollen berichtet haben, dass verschiedene Händler ihre Preise noch nicht angepasst hätten. Wer sich in nächster Zeit einen Raspberry Pi kaufen möchte, sollte also zuvor den Preis überprüfen.
Kommentare: 13
Registriert seit: 29.01.24
Why Enlisting A Social Security Disability Lawyer Turns Out to Be Significant.
Engaging An Public Assistance Inability Advocate Can Be Vital.
The Shielding Social Assets Administers various schemes from jobless coverage to public support, and also deals with incapacity remuneration for people powerless to do a job due to protracted ailment or trauma. As with any complex organization, there are regulations and regulations which must be followed by this bureau in arrangement to acquire beneficial outcomes. Exploring the option of a Qualified lawyer for Supplemental Security Income Can be required.
Enlisting a experienced Social Security Disability law practitioner will help you deal with the difficulties of Social Security Administration Social Services Allocation, enhancing your odds of acceptance for benefits. They shall make sure that your submission is filed accurately and includes validating medical evidence; furthermore, they know how to accumulate this evidence rapidly so it is not submitted late; furthermore, they may circumvent supplying irrelevant data that might trigger delays and refusals by the Safeguarding Social Assets.
Your disability specialist will also equip you for a hearing with SSA if your application is turned down, by outlining what to envisage at it and answering any of your doubts about what happens there. They might support with presenting additional supporting materials and inquiring the arbiter who heard your matter to assess their decision and interrogate witnesses or vocational authorities called by Social Security to testify on your behalf, which may improve the likelihood that an primary disability appeal succeeds if at the outset denied. SSD attorneys may regain any past due advantages due to changes in the starting date, which denotes when your situation began. Proficient disability supporters could aid with winning back any past due perks that could have been lost due to changes in the starting date or when your state began.
[url=]SSDI benefits aim to assist individuals facing conditions that hinder their ability to work[/url]
[url=]Why an Attorney Skilled in Disability Law Should Be Your First Choice[/url] 8_8f39e
Kommentare: 6
Registriert seit: 10.04.24
Safe shopping isn’t just about picking any box with a lock; it’s about committing in the best protection for your belongings. In today’s society, where security threats are ever-present, having a trustworthy safe is vital. Whether you’re safeguarding cash, important documents, or sentimental items, the right safe can provide assurance like no other.
One of the most vital aspects of a safe is its construction. Premium safes are manufactured from sturdy materials such as steel or titanium, guaranteeing resistance against tampering. Additionally, advanced locking mechanisms, such as biometric scanners or digital keypads, add an extra layer of protection to prevent unauthorized access.
Another essential feature to consider is heat resistance. Premium safes are designed to withstand high temperatures and secure your valuables in the event of a fire. Investing in a fireproof safe ensures that even in the face of disaster, your most valuable possessions remain intact.
Beyond safety, consider the capacity and placement of your safe. Picking a size that holds your valuables without being too conspicuous is essential. Additionally, strategically installing your safe in a secure yet accessible location guarantees convenience without compromising security.
In conclusion, investing in a high-quality safe is crucial for securing your valuable possessions. By focusing on features such as construction, heat resistance, and capacity, you can secure optimal security for peace of mind in any situation.
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Kommentare: 9
Registriert seit: 31.03.24
Can someone answer how to change the password ??
Maybe I’m doing something wrong?
Need your help.
Yours faithfully.
Kommentare: 1
Registriert seit: 18.04.24
Система быстрых платежей планирует ввести функцию оплаты поощрений по QR-коду.
Система Visa сообщила, что при оплате безналичных чаевых не нужно платить эквайринг.
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В декабре средняя сумма чаевых составила 180 рублей.
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Новшество положительно скажется на всех.
Посетители смогут без проблем отблагодарить официантов, у официантов будет больше путей получить свой бонус, а банки будут иметь больше оборота.
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Kommentare: 7
Registriert seit: 11.06.23
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