Anlässlich des achten Geburtstags des Raspberry Pi veröffentlichte der Erfinder des Bastelcomputers, Eben Upton, einen Blogpost im offiziellen Raspberry Pi Blog. Er blickt darin unter anderem auf die Vergangenheit zurück und berichtet von der damaligen Vision, einen Linux-Desktop-PC mit GPIO-Pins zu entwickeln und für nur 35 US-Dollar anbieten zu können. Laut des Blogeintrags konnten bis zum heutigen Tage bereits über 30 Millionen Raspberry Pi verkauft werden.
Upton kündigte außerdem eine Preissenkung an. Der Raspberry Pi 4 wird künftig in der 2 GB Variante 10 US-Dollar weniger kosten. Der Preis wird also von 45 US-Dollar auf 35 US-Dollar gesenkt und ist dementsprechend identisch mit dem Preis für die 1 GB Version. Da die Preise der 1 GB und 4 GB Modelle unverändert bleiben, wird die 4 GB Version weiterhin für 55 US-Dollar angeboten.
Die Preissenkung sei durch gesunkene Kosten für RAM-Bausteine möglich gewesen. Man gehe davon aus, dass Bastler sich überwiegend für das 2 GB Modell entscheiden werden, da diese für den Desktop-Einsatz besser geeignet wären, als jene mit 1 GB RAM. Letzteres werde aber aufgrund des Long-Term-Supports für die Industrie weiterhin produziert und vertrieben werden.
Einige Nutzer sollen berichtet haben, dass verschiedene Händler ihre Preise noch nicht angepasst hätten. Wer sich in nächster Zeit einen Raspberry Pi kaufen möchte, sollte also zuvor den Preis überprüfen.
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Registriert seit: 06.08.24
Ensuring common areas in malls tidy and tidy is important for bringing in customers and providing a positive visit. Regular power washing helps ensure that common areas, and entryways stay free from dirt, stains, and gum. A clean and well-maintained retail complex creates a inviting atmosphere, attracting visitors to spend more time and shop more. Furthermore, tidy public spaces reduce the chance of slips and falls, boosting overall safety for shoppers. By utilizing consistent high-pressure washing, shopping center managers can ensure a high standard of neatness and attractiveness, resulting in greater visitor contentment and return visits. If you’re curious, please visit my home and business pressure cleaning webpage to discover more.
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Registriert seit: 06.08.24
Pressure cleaning is a great way to extend the lifespan of industrial roofing systems. By avoiding the buildup of mildew, algae, and dust, industrial roofs remain in better condition, decreasing the necessity for expensive fixes and renewals. Lichen and algae may hold water, causing roof leaks and leaks. Consistent pressure cleaning washes away these destructive agents, preserving the roof structure and integrity. Additionally, a tidy roof surface bounces back more solar rays, lowering heat intake and lowering cooling costs. By ensuring a tidy and intact roofing system, real estate managers can increase its lifespan and safeguard their property. If you’re curious, take a look at my residential and commercial power washing services website to discover more.
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Registriert seit: 06.08.24
Maintaining shopping centers in shopping centers clean and tidy is important for attracting shoppers and ensuring a positive visit. Frequent power washing makes sure that common areas, and walkways are kept free from dust, marks, and gum. A tidy and kept up shopping center provides a appealing setting, attracting visitors to linger and purchase more. Moreover, clean public spaces decrease the chance of accidents and falls, boosting customer safety for visitors. By implementing consistent high-pressure washing, retail complex owners can maintain a high standard of tidiness and appeal, resulting in higher visitor contentment and loyalty. If you are interested, feel free to check out my home and business power washing site to learn more.
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Registriert seit: 06.08.24
Preserving a clean and hazard-free area at service stations is important for patron contentment and security. Pressure cleaning maintains the cleanliness and hazard-free condition of service stations by eliminating stains, filth, and trash that might accumulate over a period. A neat gas station not only appears more inviting but also decreases the chance of accidents caused by slippery surfaces and dangerous substances. Frequent pressure cleaning also helps preserving the condition of the fuel station’s areas, stopping lasting issues due to fuel and gas stains. By implementing power washing, service station operators will improve the general patron happiness, causing higher loyalty and ongoing visits. If you’re curious, please visit my home and business high-pressure washing site to learn more.
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